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  • Writer's pictureSusan & Renée

Lessons in Leadership

We can learn from our predecessors how to lead in uncertain times. Communication is key.

Building a culture where your staff can depend on your leadership to guide them can be challenging in a time of crisis. Clear, concise, consistent and responsive communication is key.

During World War II, Winston Churchill, was a master communicator. He spoke regularly to the nation and his speeches followed a pattern.

First, he gave the people of England the cold, hard facts. He didn’t sugar coat them, but neither did he sensationalize them.

Second, he outlined the response, so that everyone understood the path forward.

Finally, his speeches ended with inspiration drawn from the courage and resilience that he knew were part of the English culture.

The result was that English citizens were drawn to action in solidarity to a common cause.

As you communicate in the days to come, give thought to how you can use elements of your company culture to inspire your employees. Ask yourself, what do you want your employees to remember about their company's leadership during the 2020 Pandemic?

Ask yourself, What do you want your employees to remember about their company's leadership during the 2020 Pandemic?

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